Tuesday, October 24, 2017

My weekend

on Friday i went to my dads.we didn't do much that day because we got there late.On Saturday me and my dad went to watch the west coast rugby semi final.They won 24 - 14  and are know playing in Mid Canterbury in the finals.When we got home we watched the all blacks lose to the Aussies by 5 points.I seen an old all black and got a photo with him.The all black was Corey Flynn.On the Sunday we went to Kate's grandmas house for  a big roast that was cooked in the pizza oven.And just played with my cuzins. And then went home on Monday.

Wednesday, October 18, 2017


In class we have been learning about forces.We made a Creation tsunami from what we found out.I teamed up with Jakob  Bridget and Tess to make the creation. it was relay fun to make but sometimes we probably got a bit silly.I think it would have been better if we had less silliness and were more focused on the facts and not making it funny.


Tuesday, October 17, 2017

My Speech:Why professional league players are not overpaid

WALT:Write and preform a successful speech.
I am happy with my speech because i did a lot of research to back up my reasons.I also asked people out side of school about my topic.In my presentation i thought i could have had more confidence in my self.I think i did well considering i memorised a couple of paragraphs.My class mates said i  persuaded the audience and had good info.